
Collaborate with the Distributed Energy Association of Saskatchewan

Why join the Distributed Energy Association?

DEAS believes that the next ten years are key in creating a more participative and collaborative model for energy service, specifically at the community level.  Here’s what the DEAS can offer your community:

  • Energy Planning
    The DEAS will provide resources and assistance in understanding what your communities long term objectives are regarding energy security, energy cost certainty, sustainable and renewable goals as well as participation and job creation.
  • Economic Participation
    The provinces Energy transition will mean significant investment and new jobs in renewable, efficient and sustainable energy technologies.   DEAS will promote a Saskatchewan First Energy approach to maximize the benefits resulting from a more distributed and local participation in the provincial energy service. 

Who are members of the DEAS?

There are over a dozen companies that are currently members of the Distributed Energy Association of Saskatchewan, representing community scale renewable and non-renewable energy technologies.

Where do my fees go? 

The DEAS is a non-profit organization that shares information and knowledge while actively looking to create technology deployment and learning opportunities for its membership.  The DEAS is working on creating value on a cost-recovery basis while it grows its membership base, while also providing fee for service support to its community and industrial partners.

Join today and be an active participant in Saskatchewan’s Energy Transition to a sustainable, reliable and affordable energy future.

Last Updated: 22-Feb-2021